Monday, November 21, 2016


You made my heart beat so so fast
When you said the words "I love you" to me
I tried to grasp this-wanted to make the moment last
Until i realized your love for me wasn't just for that moment, it was the beginning of our journey
The journey of acknowledging each other's presence whenever we are together
Having moments where we wouldn't want any other
Moments where we both know we make each other smile
Even though in my case, I try to find it on your face, it usually takes a while
But telling me that your face lights up whenever you see my presence
That's all I need to think about to calm my nerves down whenever I feel tense
I can never complete with your passion
But i end up loving being with you because of your admiration.

~Keep Strong, and Stay Strong
<3 Shawtie_the_poet <3

Saturday, October 15, 2016

Aye That's Wassup!!!!

                                                      Thank You!

For all of those that have taken the time to look at my website, either due to my personal promotion towards you or just somehow coming across it, I appreciate all the 565 views so far! I will have more posts transferred from my Facebook page soon, for those who may or may not have access to Facebook. 


I recently plan to post more singing videos in my Instagram, Facebook page, or even on here! It may take a while due to technical difficulties, but granted it will still happen! Please continue to like, comment, and share any post you may have encountered here! Thank you all once again!


A lot of people have asked me why I am not currently going for music as my major. There is a long explanation regarding this, but to make a long story short, I want to have a career where I can make a steady, stable income to support myself and make enough money, and then in the future I do decide to pursue music! I'm not exactly sure in what way, but I can either teach lessons in piano, flute, singing, or continue writing poetry, writing songs, do youtube videos or whatever it may be! As of right now, I am just trusting God with what I think His plan for me is. Although I'm not 100% sure if nursing is right for me, I do know that he has guided me this far in my process of becoming a pediatric nurse, although the road is bumpy and a struggle, through all this Biology classes I have to take, but I keep reminding myself to keep striving, to keep going, that it will be OKAY if I don't end up making all A's in my Biology tests, as long as I try my hardest to pass the classes needed. 


I never thought I am the type to worry about relationships and what not, but I find myself feeling some type of way when I see happy couples together. Can't say I haven't tried, but failure is always the result. However, I think it is about time for me to get serious about my life, and realize the true goal of education here, Do whatever it takes to get this degree, find a good career, love working with small babies, helping them, and down the road if it seems like God is finally showing me that I am suppose to be with someone, then I'll submit and finally accept His timing. However, I think currently He is constantly reminding me that no matter how many times I try to fill that "need" to be loved by somebody, the only true love that I need right now, until He plans for me to be in a relationship with someone, is HIS love. I always knew that was the right thing to do, however, being a human being, with the nature of wanting to be loved, there is always that desire to be in a "relationship" with someone, a human being, to make it real. Maybe I am just not ready for one until I have experienced and reconnected with the one true love that I need in my life. I will not deny or miss out on opportunities to become close friends with anyone that may or may not end up being close to me, but as far as forcing relationships at least on my part will come to an end. 


I am a very outgoing, friendly, awkward but lovable, self-defensive, confident, chill type of person. There is no need to worry about being shy around me, as I make it easy for others to approach me, or I make it easy on them as I make the first friendly move. I wasn't always the way I am now, I did used to be super shy, as shy as can be, like seriously, then senior year of high school changed all of that- COMPLETELY around! I am personally satisfied and very glad of this change that happened to me. I "slayed" up in regarding to my appearance, I am more well-known and well-liked/well-noticed, yet I also noticed how that doesn't fill the void that I fill inside. Yes, i love being with my friends, getting to know them and getting to know new friends daily, but as far as having opportunities to hang outside of school... that hasn't happened yet. That is where I must trust God again to provide me with those opportunities in his own timing.


Thank you all once again for taking the time to visit my website, and checking my poetry out! I hope this allowed you to get to know the poet behind the poems a little bit! Like i said earlier, I really am hoping to have more singing posts and videos up! Please stay tuned to hear them! To stay in contact with me, please follow and stay connected with the profiles below!

FB page: Shawtie-Shawty the Poet
IG: Shawtie_the_poet
SC: Shelle_18
Tumblr: Shawtie-Shell-96
Youtube: Shawtie Lee Asas

Wednesday, July 13, 2016


in my feels
what I'm feeling is real
but I vented through rhyme
once again just like before, like last time 
I may use this as my poem for my art project - performance art
which poetry is something I love with all my heart 
I'm sure this may come as a surprise
the first time a poem by me is seen by many eyes
But I recently made an amazing discovery
That God has blessed me with the talent and skill of writing poetry
It is how I can express myself In many ways
But especially in how God is great and blesses us every single day 
For a while here, I couldn't understand why
My demeanor had such a sad expression
But then out of nowhere, suddenly I
had a desire to write this poem about to express this confusion 
And it has turned my focus back to God above
By writing about him and doing it through poetry which I love.
Never succumb to the temptations of the Devil
Where your mind wanders, vulnerable to think thoughts that are dangerous and evil
But when you force yourself to think about how God is always good
You can encourage yourself I can turn away temptations like God would.
have a nice day everyone
and always remember that God's work is not yet done..
~Shawtie (poet name)
goal:400 likes on my page!

Friday, May 27, 2016

Shawtie wants to say about her grades in a certain way

as you can see below

this is the grades that I got to show
The proof that I was distracted
and had a lot of knockout times in my bed
I had the ability to do better
I had moments were chilling with friends gave me more pleasure
where I eventually felt lazy
which you may be thinking lazy-> Shawtie?
I just lost my focus this semester
but I will do better starting this Summer
Summer ,fall,spring,and down the road
i'm looking forward to be successful in my Asian mode
i'll still be going I'll still be fun
but at the same time I'm going to make sure the work gets done
The grades you see here
Will be the last time you see it like this just to be clear
I strive to get all A's
involving work but worth all of those days


Friday, May 20, 2016



When you see me in stress
you assume it is bad, that my life is a mess
BUT LISTEN, the way I work is an interesting one
That I use STRESS to Motivate me to get stuff done!
so Please please please don't worry about me
don't spend another thought, aw poor Shawtie
I'm saying this now and I'll say it again
this was always the way I was, Even back then!
If I seem like I'm breaking down, it may be possible , BUT FOR A GOOD REASON
It's to accomplish all the needed mission
to be successful in the end, to get the results that I want in the long run
That stress that's needed will be only temporary then it'll be gone!!
As you can see below
It's a proof, something I want to show
Of the results I was talking about
which in the process there were some where I had to shout
of irritation and frustration about the little things when I make a mistake
But that's part of the process that I need to take
To get this 100% result that I've accomplished
So seeee? I was stressed but IM HAPPY AND CELEBRATING when I'm finished!!!

**for real this poem was made on the spot, and I know that I say a lot, but man this summer Ima try to write more poems even if I have school, because I appreciate all those that support it and think it's cool! sooooo yeaaaaa share this Shawtie the Poet around, so more people can enjoy the poems and smile once my poems they have read and found!!!**


Friday, May 6, 2016

If I ain't got you

through the following app
it filled the long needed gap
it's past 1500(fifteen hundred)
so this video that I posted
is to fulfill my promise "I'll post a singing vid or sum thin if I reach 1500 pls!"
just took this on the spot
so please LIKE, COMMENT, SHARE, I'd appreciate that a lot!
Comment "SHARED" below
For spam of likes from this Shawtie you know!!
#SHARE #LIKE #COMMENT #imshawtie #singer #asian #filipino #cute #l4l #s4s #f4f #followback #poetry
FB PAGE: Shawtie-shawty the poet
follow the above pages if you are interested in seeing my poetry!

Just click the link below!!
If I ain't got you sung by Shawtie Shell

Sunday, April 24, 2016

New Start, New Day

~New Start, New Day~

By: Shawtie_Shells

New start, new day

Trying to get through each day is some way

Had a plan to accomplish things on my To-do list

But the bed was calling out to me, that I have been missed

SO obviously, the plans were left behind

So rest and calmness can enter my mind

Was going to do new blogs and everything

Now i forgot what i was saying or typing

But i guess it's okay

I'll always find a way

To make up for the time lost

No matter what the cost

I'll always manage to replace the rhyme quickly

And it'll be as good and back to normal as it can be!


Saturday, April 16, 2016

Shawty's Quick Appreciation Bars

Just to fill the time that I'm waiting for 
I'll post this quick mini poem so you can see something more 
Than just the one recent post that was published 8 days ago 
Which BY THE WAY, I have goal for to reach at least 100 views, just so you know! 
These last few days, 8 days today to be exact 
Have been so eventful, stressful, trying to keep my head in tact. 
Mixed with school, home life, friends and more 
Sometimes, it's more than this Shawty would ever ask for 
But HEY it's OKAY, I know you are out there. 
Those friends I have that show their true concern and care 
Which I truly appreciate and thankful to have them in my life 
To make sure that I'm alright and not always in strife 
You guys are great and I'm glad you guys are my friend 
That I know and you've proven that you'll be a friend to the very end! 
Now at this moment my other blog has 67 or so views 
 So help it get to 100 views and commented while I think of the next topic to choose! ~Shawty(Shawtie)

Friday, April 8, 2016

"The Call To Be a Poet"

As I look at the time, I see it is 9:51
And my mind wonders about what else has to be done.
I could have been done with the task I had in mind,
But instead I managed to act upon a suggestion from a friend that was oh so kind.
The suggestion to share my talent
Of poetry, where I could vent
All my troubles, feelings, emotions
Circumstances that are full of happiness or full of long exasperated sighs and groans.
More likely than most, my mind sinks into relaxation
When my mind puts it's full attention
To making posts that rhyme
Which is something I love doing all the time.
Now you may be wondering, what does the picture at the top have to do with this blogpost?
Well, I felt like sharing a memory:a past where,with my friends, I shared a toast
A lovely memory that I will never forget
Full of laughter, enjoyment, but hopefully not the most fun I have had yet
There is still a future that I am looking forward to
With people that I have already met, and those that I still have yet to meet, which will be coo
Now this is my very first blogpost like ever
So be on the lookout when I keep making new ones here or on the school newspaper!
My name is Shawtie Shell
And I wish you all a life that is swell! <3
Image result for shawty word

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